The Course

Ready to tackle that tightening sensation in your chest every time a deadline looms? Our compact course is designed to fit seamlessly into your busy schedule, delivering effective strategies and techniques for managing stress in a professional environment. You'll dive into the root causes of stress and understand its impact on work performance, team dynamics, and personal well-being. As you progress, you'll identify your personal stress triggers and learn how to navigate everyday work pressures with a cool head and a clear mind.

Imagine walking into the office and feeling like you've got this, no matter what the day throws at you! That's the real-world superpower you'll develop here. By the end of this course, you'll not only have a toolkit of stress-busting tactics but also the ability to recognize stress in others, paving the way for a more empathetic and supportive workplace culture. You'll walk away with not just skills, but a newfound confidence that'll ripple through your work and personal life, making waves in the best way possible. There's an art to staying calm and focused in the eye of the workstorm, and you're about to become a master.

What you will learn

When crafting this course, I aimed to equip you with practical and effective techniques for managing stress in professional environments. The focus is on real-world strategies that you can apply immediately to your work life. You'll find that it's thoughtfully organized into bite-sized modules, each offering insights into different aspects of workplace stress, from identifying stressors to mastering relaxation techniques. By joining, you'll gain invaluable skills that not only improve your own well-being but also have the potential to enhance your productivity and job satisfaction. Think of this as your toolkit for navigating the pressures of modern work life with resilience and confidence.


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Your instructor

Tomas Quinn is a seasoned educator with a deep-rooted passion for fostering resilience and promoting mental wellness in the workplace. With over a decade of experience in the realm of professional development, Tomas has dedicated a significant portion of his career to studying the effects of stress on job performance and employee satisfaction. His extensive work in the field has not only granted him expertise but also allowed him to empower countless professionals to master stress management techniques and embrace a more balanced approach to their work-life dynamics.

Through his involvement as the instructor for the "Micro Credential: Stress Management at Work" course, Tomas skillfully combines evidence-based practices with practical strategies to create a curriculum that is as engaging as it is enlightening. He is intimately connected to the content, having worked closely with organizations across various industries to identify stress triggers and implement bespoke interventions. Tomas's commitment to his students extends beyond the classroom, where he is not only an educator but also a mentor, guiding each individual towards unlocking their potential for a healthier, more productive professional life.


Harnessing Cognitive Techniques for Workplace Resilience


Incorporating Mindfulness and Lifestyle into Your Workday


Applying Daily Tools for Stress Reduction in the Office